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2024 China Specialty Beverage Outbound Mission

Shanghai, Dalian, and Chengdu | China | East Asia
Monday, Jun 17 - Tuesday, Jun 25, 2024
Outbound Mission

Event Details

The Western U.S. Agricultural Trade Association (WUSATA) and the 15 Western State Departments of Agriculture announce participation and registration in the following activity, which is brought to you by the USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service:

2024 China Specialty Beverage Outbound Mission

Shanghai, Dalian & Chengdu China

June 17-25, 2024

The alcoholic beverage market in China is expected to grow by $41 Billion by 2027. This growth is primarily being driven by consumer demand for ultra- premium, high value products. China is the 8th largest importer of beer from the U.S., 9th in wine, and 17th in spirits, with an import value of $70.6 million in 2022. Through the first 11 months of 2023, China has seen imports for the former two categories grow by 6% and 21% respectively, and remains one of the world's most attractive markets for alcoholic beverages.

The market in China is led by Shanghai, which is an initial entry point for many foreign brands and products to be brought into the China market. It is the most mature, developed consumer market in the country with a sophisticated drinking culture. The port city of Dalian, situated in the Liaoning province in Northeast China, is a leading trade and manufacturing hub, and the U.S. is amongst its top 5 trading partners. Chengdu, is the provincial capital of Sichuan province in Central/ Western China, and is the 4th most populous city in China. Chengdu has a rich culinary culture and is the host city for the annual China Food and Drinks Fair, one of China's largest trade shows for food and beverage, especially alcoholic beverages. ATO Beijing is organizing a U.S. Pavilion during the 2024 pre- show to support interested U.S. exhibitors. Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn about the China alcoholic beverage market and begin building important trade relationships!

WUSATA will cover:
- In- country airfare for 3 cities for 1 company representative
- Lodging paid for 1 company representative for 10 nights
- Coordinated group ground transportation for all participating companies
- Interpreters for one-on-one meetings
- Assistance with shipping samples. Details provided upon registration.

Benefits of Participation:
- Meet in person with qualified buyers from China in Shanghai, Dalian, and Chengdu
- Learn about the opportunities and demands of specialty beverage products in the China markets by meeting one-on-one with buyers representing the target markets
- Evaluate how your product fits into the marketplace by engaging with retail and wholesale buyers and participating in retail tours and market tasting events
- Market briefings with ATO Shanghai, Shenyang, and Beijing
- Additional potential city visits to Hangzhou and Chongqing
- Assistance with shipping samples

Tentative Itinerary:
June 16: Arrive in Shanghai
June 17: Market briefing at ATO Shanghai and Shanghai retail tours
June 18: Shanghai wholesale market tour and one-on-one business meetings
June 19: E-commerce company visits in Hangzhou
June 20: Travel to Dalian, Dalian retail tours
June 21: ATO Shenyang market briefing, Dalian wholesale market tour, one-on-one business meetings
June 22: Travel to Chengdu
June 23: Chengdu wholesale market tour and distillery visit
June 24: ATO Beijing market briefing (virtual), one-on-one business meetings, networking dinner
June 25: Retail and wholesale market tours in Chongqing
June 26: Return to Shanghai and depart for U.S.

Participation Fee: $650

Registration Deadline: April 19, 2024

Product Description

Craft Beer, Cider, Wine, Distilled Spirits, Seltzers, and Perry

Industry Focus
Specialty Beverage
Buyer Audience
Events and Prices Pricing  
2024 China Specialty Beverage Outbound Mission    
Participation $650.00  
Events and Prices
2024 China Specialty Beverage Outbound Mission
Participation $650.00
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