Mar 31 Final day for 2016 claim submissions
Apr 3 2018 UES submissions due
May 29 WUSATA office closed for Memorial Day
Congratulations on another successful year, and thank you to all who were able to attend the 2017 Winter Meeting! Due to your diligence, it was the smoothest budget distribution to date. We would appreciate your feedback – if you haven’t already done so, please take a few moments to complete the post-meeting survey.
A few takeaway points from the meeting:
Wrap-up Notes:
2018 UES Due April 3 – Start Today: On February 25, the WUSATA Global Connect® Team sent instructions for the 2018 UES. The deadline of April 3 is fast approaching – we encourage you to start early.
Request for Proposals
As we begin a new year and groups consider the Request for Proposal process, please use the following tips to guide you while reviewing the submitted form:
IB Missions – Location Details: WUSATA frequently receives phone calls from companies who are asking where the Inbound Mission venue is located. Please send venue information to either Sandy or Sheila as soon as you have it. Please include Sheila and Sandy as the cc recipients on any of your emails sent to the participating companies. We would like to respond with confidence regarding any communications that are distributed on WUSATA’s behalf.
Inbound Mission Introduction Process:
Euromonitor is a system of proprietary data that WUSATA and the states all have access to in order to pull information related to the exports of food and agricultural products. This is a system with enormous benefits to both the state and your companies. It does take some training to get used to pulling data and discovering all of its opportunities. Our Euromonitor representative, Patti LaGuire, is always available for your questions or additional training. You may reach her at or 312-477-8932
Marketing Material Request
WUSATA’s Outreach and Marketing team has updated the Marketing Materials Request Form. The form is a fillable document, and provides examples of the marketing materials for reference. Once completed, please email so the team can put together the order, and send it your way. The team will notify you when received, and when it ships. The WUSATA Materials Check Outform can be found on your dashboard, under the WUSATA Operations button, WUSATA Operations (drop-down on right side of page), News & Outreach Marketing Materials.
Events Calendar
The 2017 Events Calendar is now available in printable form, the marketing and outreach team will update the calendar weekly to ensure it’s up to date with the latest events. The events calendar is a useful and simple handout outlining the entire year of WUSATA sponsored events. It is categorized by market, date, focus, and location. The events calendar can also be found in the same location as the Marketing Material Request Form.
Domestic Long-Distance Travel
For domestic long-distance travel, if you choose to use your Privately Owned Vehicle (POV), WUSATA is required to justify the choice to use a POV rather than air travel. There is a breaking point at which traveling by car ends up costing the government more (usually longer road trips). In order to prove that travel in a POV is more economical, please pull quotes before your trip to include with your claim. We will need quotes pulled for airfare and rental cars as compared to a mileage printout like Google maps or Mapquest.If you elect to drive the long distance to a WUSATA event we will need Federal Mileage reimbursement calculated, along with M&IE and lodging (if applicable), submitted along with your airfare quote – WUSATA will reimburse whichever is less.
Updated WUSATA Forms
Recently, we received requests to update some of our online forms. Please contact the Global Connect® Team if you have any further suggestions. Here is a list of updated forms we have recently posted to the WUSATA website:
In addition to the updated forms, we would like to thank you for your suggestions to create fillable PDF forms. These versions will be posted soon. Please note: the ATO Notification form has been removed from the website as it is obsolete. Please continue to send notifications via email.
Evaluation Collections:
WUSATA interns have been busy collecting 2016 evaluations and will soon be reaching out to state members for assistance on companies that have been contacted over four times without a response. If you are in communication with companies in your state participating in WUSATA activities, please encourage them to visit their MyWUSATA dashboard regularly and complete any outstanding action items. If companies have questions regarding their dashboard action items or the evaluation process, please urge them to contact the WUSATA office for assistance.
During the Winter Meeting WUSATA announced that we would be creating all recruitment pieces. As this is a new process, we will need your assistance in getting started. We have sent out an email to you requesting additional information to fill in event specific details. Please review what Sandy and Sheila have entered online, then return the attachment from the email, as well as any preferred recruitment dates. If you have no announcement date preference, recruitments will go out chronologically in order of date received.
MyWUSATA Account Updates
WUSATA will soon be sending out an email reminding companies to update their MyWUSATA accounts. When talking to your companies, please encourage them to go online to review their contacts, addresses, phone numbers, and regional and product focuses. This ensures that they are receiving the recruitment emails and all applicable trade leads that suit their company’s needs.
Oregon – Gary Neuschwander – – 503-872-6605
Oregon – Yelena Nowak – – 503-872-6609
Utah – Andy Pierucci – – 801-538-7190
Wyoming – Briana Tanaka – – 307-777-6430
Outreach/Marketing Coordinator – Tami Pelkey – – 360-693-3373 x 310