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Join the Global Food Market – Maximize Your Benefits – Participate in multiple WUSATA® agricultural and food export programs.

Our programs for food and agricultural exports are designed to help you Learn, Connect, and Compete. Explore this section to find out more about bringing your products to the Global Food Market, or contact us for a consultation on how you can maximize your participation and enter the global market.

U.S. Food exports

Learn how WUSATA® can help you deliver your food exports to the world. U.S. agricultural and food exports are highly sought after.

Learn: WUSATA’s Export Education Program brings you up to speed on the benefits and opportunities of exporting.


WUSATA’s Export Education Program brings you up to speed on the benefits and opportunities of exporting. Gain access to valuable global market research and timely consumer insights from webinars and seminars held throughout the year. Sign up today! Visit WUSATA's Research Center for additional resources to help you reach your food export market goals.

Connect: WUSATA's Global Connect Program offers you options and opportunities to explore various export markets.


WUSATA's Global Connect Program offers you options and opportunities to explore various export markets. Participate and connect with international buyers to expand your global market distribution. Services include: Technical and logistical support; interpreters; introductions to qualified buyers; discounted buying missions and international trade shows; and much more.

Compete: WUSATA’s FundMatch Program helps qualifying companies compete in international markets by providing 50% cost reimbursement for eligible marketing and promotional activities.   


WUSATA’s FundMatch Program helps qualifying companies compete in international markets by providing 50% cost reimbursement for eligible marketing and promotional activities. Effectively double your global marketing budget and make your promotional efforts go further.

Remember, you don’t have to choose!

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