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Travel Forms

What you need to know for 2024 Claims.

The important forms have been embedded in the online claims system, you will no longer need forms to fill out unless you choose "option 2" of the travel notification. 

Travel Notification: 

  • Option 1 (NEW): Participants can enter their traveler information directly into their MyWUSATA account and an automatic email will be sent to the Agricultural Trade Office (ATO) prior to your travel. To add your traveler information log into your My WUSATA account. Click the FundMatch tile, select the year, then click the Travel/ATO Notification title, select the event, and submit your information. The automatic email will include the company contacts copied, and the email can view under the correspondence tile once logged in. A copy of the email must be included in the claim submission showing the date, and email recipients. 
  • travel notification (1).png
  • Option 2: If you choose to send the travel notification on your own, without using the WUSATA system, the form will need to be sent to the Agricultural Trade Office (ATO) before the event. Please note the form can be found below. A copy of the form and email sent to the ATO must be included in the claim submission.

Trip Report: Be prepared to include the following, purpose of travel, summary of findings/conclusions and contacts acquired (please attach a list of contacts made at the trade activity (copies of business cards are accepted).

Travel Expense Summary (per traveler): Please include traveler name, start/end date of travel, airfare, lodging, and per diem (we no longer use the form to fill out this information, this is within the online claim submission portal. 

Wire Transfer Form: Complete this form if you would like to pay your in-country partner by wire transfer. Please request from Claim Coordinator.