Who is WUSATA?
WUSATA is a non-profit that works with the 13 western states and the USDA to help agribusinesses export their goods overseas. Learn more by reading our About Us page.
Where does WUSATA get funding?
WUSATA receives funds from the USDA's Market Access Program (MAP) that they pass on to U.S. Suppliers. Learn more about our History and our FundMatch Program pages.
Why should I sign up for an profile?
Once you create a profile, there are additional resources and services available to you, including personalized Trade Leads, Educational Resources, and registering for domestic and international Events.
Are there any costs or obligations if I create a profile?
No, there are no fees or costs with signing up for a profile. WUSATA will never sell or rent your company or personal information. You can opt out of communications at any time by visiting your personal Profile Settings or Company Settings (if you are a primary user).
What information is needed to create a profile?
WUSATA needs general information about your business including:
Ready to get started? Sign up for a My WUSATA profile.
What if I have other staff members that need access?
Once you login to your MyWUSATA profile, you can invite other staff members to create their own profiles by selecting the "Company Profiles" tile. OR the staff member can create their own profile by going to the "Sign up" section and input the company name. After, the system will search for your company and add them to the list of profiles under the company.
Is my company too small to fit in with WUSATA's programs?
Over 90% of our participants have 10 or fewer employees! We have specifically designed our programs to work for smaller businesses.
What other requirements are there for creating a MyWUSATA account?
Exporting seems really difficult. Is this true?
We understand, it seems overwhelming when thinking about exporting to other countries. WUSATA's programs are designed to help you learn about foreign markets with Export Education, then start meeting potential buyers with our sponsored inbound missions, and eventually attend outbound missions overseas. We are here to help in every step of the process, and can help take the stress out of taking your first steps towards meeting exporting goals.
Traveling overseas seems scary since I do not know the language or customs of other countries. Will I be doing this alone?
Absolutely not! WUSATA has decades of experience traveling to other countries and will be happy to share this experience with you. WUSATA also attends many events overseas, so we will be there to help you in any way we can. There will also be numerous participants attending events from your area that we can introduce you to.